Registerable Views

This article was first published on Fabernovel blog.

One of the most used UI component in iOS development is UITableView. This view is intended to present a collection of cells with a vertical layout. Its counterpart UICollectionView does exactly the same thing for more custom layouts (grid for example).

In the following, we will call CollectionView an instance of UITableView or UICollectionView.

Every iOS developer knows that registering and dequeuing cells from a CollectionView is kind of a boring task. A lot of boilerplate for a simple job: tell the CollectionView which cell we want to be able to use later.

As we start to embrace Swift in our daily work at Applidium, I would like to share with you a playground I’ve been playing with recently.

This is a swifty API to register and dequeue reusable cells (think UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell).

Either a Class or a Nib

As we all know, a reusable cell is created either from a Nib or from a Class. We can represent this two cases with an enum.

enum RegisterableView {
    case nib(NSObject.Type)
    case `class`(NSObject.Type)

Our RegisterableView enum takes a class as associated value, to be able to provide it to the CollectionView later. Now we can add an extension to this enum with two computed variables: nib and cellClass.

extension RegisterableView {
    var nib: UINib? {
        switch self {
        case let .nib(cellClass):
            return UINib(nibName: String(describing: cellClass), bundle: nil)
            return nil

    var cellClass: AnyClass? {
        switch self {
        case let .class(cellClass):
            return cellClass
            return nil

Last thing we need for our RegisterableView is an identifier. Indeed we have to provide a string as identifier for each cell we register. Most of the time we use the name of the class as identifier.

First we define a protocol which returns a static identifier

protocol ClassIdentifiable {
    static func identifier() -> String

And then we extend NSObject to return the string representation of self as identifier.

extension NSObject: ClassIdentifiable {
    static func identifier() -> String {
        return String(describing: self)

Now we can get an identifier for any NSObject subclass. For example: UITableViewCell.identifier() returns "UITableViewCell". Finally, our RegisterableView can return its identifier.

extension RegisterableView {
    var identifier: String {
        switch self {
        case let .nib(cellClass):
            return cellClass.identifier()
        case let .class(cellClass):
            return cellClass.identifier()

That’s all we need to do with RegisterableView. Let’s now see how to register them!

A generic approach

The APIs to register cells from UITableView and UICollectionView are very close but not identical and we want a generic one that we can use for both.

To abstract the concrete UIKit classes, let’s create a CollectionView protocol that can register cells, headers or footers.

protocol CollectionView {
    func register(cell: RegisterableView)
    func register(header: RegisterableView)
    func register(footer: RegisterableView)

We can right away add handy methods to register multiple registerable views at once.

extension CollectionView {
    func register(cells: [RegisterableView]) {

    func register(headers: [RegisterableView]) {

    func register(footers: [RegisterableView]) {

Now that we have the generic API, the only thing that we need to do, is to make UITableView and UICollectionView conforms to CollectionView. This is straightforward because most of the work is already done.

extension UITableView : CollectionView {
    func register(cell: RegisterableView) {
        switch cell {
        case .nib:
            register(cell.nib, forCellReuseIdentifier: cell.identifier)
        case .class:
            register(cell.cellClass, forCellReuseIdentifier: cell.identifier)

    func register(header: RegisterableView) {
        switch header {
        case .nib:
            register(header.nib, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: header.identifier)
        case .class:
            register(header.cellClass, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: header.identifier)

    func register(footer: RegisterableView) {
        register(header: footer)
extension UICollectionView : CollectionView {
    func register(cell: RegisterableView) {
        switch cell {
        case .nib:
            register(cell.nib, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cell.identifier)
        case .class:
            register(cell.cellClass, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cell.identifier)

    func register(header: RegisterableView) {
        register(supplementaryView: header, kind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader)

    func register(footer: RegisterableView) {
        register(supplementaryView: footer, kind: UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter)

    func register(supplementaryView view: RegisterableView, kind: String) {
        switch view {
        case .nib:
            register(view.nib, forSupplementaryViewOfKind:kind , withReuseIdentifier: view.identifier)
        case .class:
            register(view.cellClass, forSupplementaryViewOfKind:kind , withReuseIdentifier: view.identifier)


With this new API, we are able to transform this ugly snippet:

tableView.register(MyTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: String(describing: MyTableViewCell.self))
tableView.register(UINib(nibName: String(describing: NibTableViewCell.self), bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: String(describing: NibTableViewCell.self))

to this clean and readable one:

tableView.register(cells: [

A nice improvement based on an enum and a protocol!

Some thoughts about the dequeue

The dequeue works as usual, except that we need to use the static identifier method from ClassIdentifiable.

let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(MyTableViewCell.identifier(), forIndexPath: indexPath) as! MyTableViewCell

We can even go one step further and clean up the dequeue a bit. The following method on UITableView allows us to dequeue a cell for an indexPath without even specifying the identifier.

func dequeueCell<U: ClassIdentifiable>(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> U {
    return dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: U.identifier(), for: indexPath) as! U

The dequeue now simply becomes:

let cell: MyTableViewCell = tableView.dequeueCell(at: indexPath)


let cell = tableView.dequeueCell(at: indexPath) as MyTableViewCell

The type of the cell, and thus the identifier is infered by the compiler. We do not need the identifier nor the cast at the end anymore.


Swift has powerful features such as enums, protocol extensions and strong type system that we can leverage to create new APIs.

You can find the full playground of RegisterableView here.

2017-09-17 Updated for Swift 3 syntax